In Tokyo’s Edogawa Ward, the enchanting allure of goldfish comes to life at the 52nd Edogawa Special Goldfish Festival. Taking place over two colorful days – July 22nd (Saturday) and July 23rd (Sunday) of 2023 – at Gyosen Park.
The event commemorates Edogawa’s longstanding history as a revered goldfish cultivation hub since the Meiji era.
Dive into the Sea of Goldfish Diversity
Edogawa Ward, alongside cities like Aichi’s Yatomi and Nara’s Yamatokōriyama, proudly stands as one of the significant goldfish cultivation areas in Japan. The Edogawa Special Goldfish Festival is a sparkling celebration that puts the spotlight on the region’s prized goldfish.
From vibrant Ryukins, elegant Calicos to exotic Ranchus, visitors can immerse themselves in the exhibition of around 20 different goldfish species. Apart from enjoying the mesmerizing beauty of these aquatic creatures, attendees can also bring their favorite ones home.
The festival organizes several goldfish-centric activities spread across the two-day event. Expect goldfish scooping games, detailed consultations about goldfish breeding, and a marketplace for essential goldfish rearing equipment.
Special Events: Catching More than Just a Glimpse
The heart of the festival lies in its special events.
1. Goldfish Exhibition and Sale
Browse through a collection of about 20 different goldfish species including Ryukin, Calico, Ranchu, Dutch Lionhead, Azumanishiki, and Shubunkin among others. Besides the exhibition and sale of goldfish, visitors can engage in goldfish breeding consultation, purchase aquatic animals, breeding equipment, food, and much more.
2. Goldfish Scooping
Unleash your goldfish scooping skills at the festival where over 20,000 goldfish are prepared for this fun activity. From luxurious species like Ranchu and Azumanishiki to kids’ goldfish scooping competition “Challenge the Goldfish Scooping,” there’s an opportunity for everyone to participate.
3. Stalls Corner
Satisfy your cravings at the festival’s food and drink stalls, serving festive delicacies. Additionally, enjoy local Edogawa specialities like ‘Edo Wind Chime’, ‘Komatsuna Shochu’, and ‘Komatsuna Soba’. The festival also plans to sell Edogawa’s specialty floriculture products and Tsuruoka City’s specialty products.
Event Details
- Event: The 52nd Edogawa Special Goldfish Festival
- Date: July 22 (Saturday) – July 23 (Sunday), 2023
- Time: July 22: 10:00-17:00, July 23: 10:00-16:00
- Location: Gyosen Park, Edogawa Ward, Tokyo
- Address: 3-2-1 Kita-Kasai, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo
Transport Access & Nearest Stations:
- 15-minute walk from ‘Nishi-Kasai Station’ on the Tokyo Metro Tozai Line
- 20-minute walk from ‘Funabori Station’ on the Toei Shinjuku Line
The Sum Up
Prepare to dive into a world brimming with the vibrant colors and serene beauty of goldfish at the Edogawa Special Goldfish Festival. Don’t miss the chance to experience this unique blend of culture, history, and aquatic life.