Tokyo Skytree Town, located in Sumida-ku, Tokyo, opened in May 2012 and includes The Tokyo Skytree (radio tower and observatory), Tokyo Solamachi (commercial facility), Tokyo Skytree Tower (office and education-related facility), Konica Minolta Planetarium (multi-functional (multi-functional dome theater), and Sumida Aquarium (urban aquarium).
Spot Name: Tokyo Skytree Town (東京スカイツリータウン)
Address: 1 Oshiage, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
Access by train: Oshiage Station (Hanzomon Line/Toei Subway Asakusa Line/Keisei Oshiage Line) Tokyo Skytree Station (Tobu Isezaki Line)
Access (by car): Mukojima Interchange on the Metropolitan Expressway Route 6 Mukojima Line (approx. 10 minutes)
Komagata Interchange on Metropolitan Expressway Route 6 Mukojima Line (about 10 minutes)
- Tokyo Sky Tree
- Tokyo Solamachi
- Tokyo Skytree Tower
- Konica Minolta Planetarium
- Sumida Aquarium
Nearby Sightseeing Spots
Tokyo Solamachi | Tokyo Sky Tree | Tokyo Skytree Tower |
Tokyo Solamachi entrance directly connected to Tokyo Skytree Station | Tokyo Sky Tree Station | Parking lot information board |
Image Credit: Tokyo Navi via archive