The Inagi Chuo Park, also known as the Inagi Central Park in Inagi City, Tokyo, has two jogging courses: Course A, which runs around the track and field and is approximately 625 m long; and Course B, which starts in front of the track and field, passes through the gymnasium and observation deck, and returns to the front of the track and field.
The jogging course is divided into two courses.
Park Name | Inagi Chuo Park (Inagi Chukou Kouen) 稲城ä¸å¤®å…¬åœ’ |
Park Address | 1-1 Nagamine, Inagi City, Tokyo |
Jogging course (Course A) | Jogging course sign | Jogging course information board |
Course sign (at 400m) | Course sign (at 500m) | Course sign (at 600m) |
Image Credit: Tokyo Navi via archive